Steve's Blog

Dietary Supplements and Risk of Cause-Specific Death, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer

Here’s a nice article doing some actual SCIENCE on dietary supplements and health.  People ask me all the time, “do dietary supplements work?”  My first question is always “what do you want to accomplish?”  If you say,  “I want to take Vitamin D to prevent rickets,”  I’m all in!  If you say “I want to […]

Steve's Blog

Red Cross Raises $25,000,000 Through Text Donations for Haiti

Ok, I know we’re a show about nuts and toejam and stuff, but this Haiti thing is really, really bad.   I was a guest on Montel Williams’ show yesterday talking about the situation there (Stuntbrain works for Montel, if you’re wondering where the connection is) and it really started wearing on my mind. Haiti is a public […]

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