Steve's Blog

Gargantua and Pantagruel

We’ll be serializing this on “Weird Medicine”, but for those who visit this website, here’s the whole thing in one glob.

Our first “production piece” (other than the Liam vs East Side Dave stuff), we were turned on to the twisted genius that is Francois Rabelais by our pal Recyclerz on   Rabelais was a 16th century writer of philosophy and insanity, and took a whole chapter to discourse on the best method for wiping one’s horrid patoot after defecation (or bemerde-ing oneself, as Rabelais would put it).   Anyway, you can read more about Rabelais here.

The reader is Bobby Funk from the East TN State University drama department (he did it in one take which was all we could afford, given he had to drive an hour to get to the studio).

Hope you enjoy this finale to the “Asscrack Challenge”, a bit that hopefully is finally and most permanently dead.

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